Friday, September 3, 2010

Soaring Above the Clouds - Sort of...

A few years ago my parents treated me and TJ to a wonderful gift for my graduation from The Evergreen State College.  They made arrangements for T and I to be part of a hot air balloon ride over the Snohomish Valley. 

Aside from being hotter than that malfunctioning sauna that we've all had the pleasure of experiencing - it was one of the most exciting things I've ever done.  Not just because when we landed the balloon pilot placed the massive wicker basket and 30 foot balloon right down in some poor old lady's beautiful rose garden, but because the view was breath-taking. 

I'm in awe at the beauty found in our own backyard.  From majestic mountains to the pristine waters of our rivers and lakes (well some lakes at least), we often forget what we truly have been blessed with in the Northwest.  So in an effort to reunite all I care about, I would like to present you with the most beautiful memories from this most unique of gifts.

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