Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Lone Shoe...

Somewhere in the world a little girl is missing her shoe.  I'm always surprised to see the unusual things that people leave at the beach - especially if the thing left behind is one half of a pair - for instance, a shoe.

Can you imagine the story this shoes owner must of come up with when she got home... "Well you see mom, I was running on the beach and then I saw this beautiful sea star on the water's edge - so I took off my shoes and placed them on a log while I played in the water with the starfish.  When I returned I saw an evil crow flying away with my other shoe.  I yelled at it to bring me back my shoe - but he just kept on flying higher and higher." 

As outrageous as this may sound, I have to admit that I've had my own child come home missing items of clothing that one would suspect they wouldn't loose (she lost her pants - still trying to figure that one out).  So I'm fairly certain that the mom of this shoe's owner has probably come to terms with the missing item.

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