Friday, September 3, 2010

Soaring Above the Clouds - Sort of...

A few years ago my parents treated me and TJ to a wonderful gift for my graduation from The Evergreen State College.  They made arrangements for T and I to be part of a hot air balloon ride over the Snohomish Valley. 

Aside from being hotter than that malfunctioning sauna that we've all had the pleasure of experiencing - it was one of the most exciting things I've ever done.  Not just because when we landed the balloon pilot placed the massive wicker basket and 30 foot balloon right down in some poor old lady's beautiful rose garden, but because the view was breath-taking. 

I'm in awe at the beauty found in our own backyard.  From majestic mountains to the pristine waters of our rivers and lakes (well some lakes at least), we often forget what we truly have been blessed with in the Northwest.  So in an effort to reunite all I care about, I would like to present you with the most beautiful memories from this most unique of gifts.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Lone Shoe...

Somewhere in the world a little girl is missing her shoe.  I'm always surprised to see the unusual things that people leave at the beach - especially if the thing left behind is one half of a pair - for instance, a shoe.

Can you imagine the story this shoes owner must of come up with when she got home... "Well you see mom, I was running on the beach and then I saw this beautiful sea star on the water's edge - so I took off my shoes and placed them on a log while I played in the water with the starfish.  When I returned I saw an evil crow flying away with my other shoe.  I yelled at it to bring me back my shoe - but he just kept on flying higher and higher." 

As outrageous as this may sound, I have to admit that I've had my own child come home missing items of clothing that one would suspect they wouldn't loose (she lost her pants - still trying to figure that one out).  So I'm fairly certain that the mom of this shoe's owner has probably come to terms with the missing item.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Right Back At Ya!

So I was rummaging through some of my older photos and I came across this one of my son Jake.  We were at Carkeek Park in Ballard - commonly known as the "Fish Park" because of the slide designed to look like a salmon. 

Anyhow, Jake in his usual "I'm ready for my close up Mr. DeMill" way posed with the two fisted guns, followed by the - "Right Back At Ya, Girl!"  This is a special little thing his dad taught him to say everytime I tell him "I love you!" 

Gotta love both my guys!  They make life fun - if nothing else.

Monday, August 30, 2010

I do!

This Sunday I had the opportunity to photograph the cutest couple - Zack and Rachel Pittman.  These two were so much fun and have such a classic look that the black and white really brought out the little details.  I really enjoyed the different angles and catching those little moments they didn't think the camera was aimed at them.  I hope that you enjoy these as much and I enjoyed taking them.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

National Long Jumping Champion

While at Alki Beach yesterday TJ and I ran into a trainer playing fetch with his dog Dosey.  Watching Dosey charge after the retrieval duck was fascinating.  She was so graceful and elegant. 

After talking with her owner we found out that she was a national long jumping champion.  It was so much fun watching her diving into the water after her duck.  I could have watched her all day just running in and out of the water.