Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Neighbor's House

I went to my Mother In Law's house in West Seattle this morning.  My daughter and I are converting her downstairs room into a photography studio/rec room.  I get a small corner with great light, the kids get the larger area for hanging out.  It's a lot of work, but it's gonna be worth it.  Anyhow... the purpose of this post.

When we were getting into the car this afternoon, I looked over at the neighbors house and saw two chairs, and a table sitting under a tree in the front yard.  It was such a picturesque moment that I, yep you guessed it, pulled my camera out and snapped up a few shots.  I decided to enhance this photo by using black and white, I think it gives it an austere and mesmerizing feel.  These are the moments I look for while I'm out doing my thing.  Hoping for more.

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